Role of what makes Android such a fantastic Os is the sheer amount of customization options information technology offers. You tin tweak only about anything to make your smartphone look and feel exactly how you want it. Whether you're running a make-new device right out of the box or your sometime true-blue that's been by your side for years, one style to immediately make your phone more often than not experience faster is to speed upwardly the animations that you run into when navigating around the OS. Fifty-fifty on a make-new Pixel 6 Pro, the divergence will be immediately noticeable. Getting to the right settings requires a little bit of digging, though. Here's how to practice it.

These steps outline the process on a Google Pixel phone, just they should be more or less the same on whatever Android phone.

Enable developer options

To make those animations snappier, you'll starting time need to enable developer options on your phone.

  1. Open your phone'south Settings .
  2. Coil downwards and select Near phone .
  3. Curl down to the bottom of this screen and tap Build number seven times.
    • You'll be prompted to confirm your phone's screen lock.

Increase animation speed

Once yous've enabled developer settings, it's time to speed up those animations.

  1. Go to the Settings .
  2. Scroll down and select System.
  3. Y'all should at present discover Programmer options most the bottom of the list.
  4. Scroll down until you reach the Cartoon section.
  5. Here you'll discover iii different Animation scale settings, which will all exist fix to 1x past default:
    • Window blitheness scale
    • Transition blitheness scale
    • Animator duration scale
  6. Change each 1 to .5x in order to crash-land up the animation speed. (Smaller numbers are faster, larger numbers are slower. You can too plow off animations altogether, simply that'southward non advisable as things look very strange without them.)

Each of the settings corresponds to a dissimilar animation type:

  • Window animation scale sets the speed for window animation playback — things like menu popular-ups.
  • Transition animation scale controls the speed of transition animations betwixt screens. For example, when you tap an selection in your smartphone'south settings or back out of a menu.
  • Animator duration scale changes the speed of pretty much every other animation that happens within the OS. That includes opening and closing apps, pulling downwards your notification shade, and then on.

Setting each of these to 0.5x will make each animation play twice as fast, which should be instantly noticeable. Faster blitheness speeds can exist jarring on sure phones because they've been designed to expect all-time at normal speed, but you won't know until you play effectually with these options and then you tin see what you prefer. I'd recommend testing each one individually at get-go and then you can be sure what effect each is having. Thankfully, you tin can change them back at whatever time past following the steps again.

If you're looking for more handy Android guides and tips, nosotros've got you covered. For Pixel owners, nosotros've got settings shortcuts yous should be using and tips to make your Google telephone smarter. On the more full general Android front, learn how to back up SMS text letters, customize Gmail's keyboard shortcuts, and forestall apps from 'sleeping' in the background on Android.