
What Percentage Of Animals Are Euthanized In Shelters

two women at an animal shelter

This article's statistics come from third-party sources and practice not represent the opinions of this website.

While most of us would go to the ends of the world for our animals, not every pet is able to find their loving, forever habitation—just knowing shelters as a identify of residence. Animals living in shelters endure from a variety of hardships. For animal lovers, some of these statistics below may be hard for you to acquire. As difficult equally it may be, it'south important to know.

If you're thinking about ownership a dog from a breeder, or even a pet store, we encourage you to read the beneath information. Many animals need loving homes, and if yous visit your local animal shelter, you just may notice your next best friend that badly needs your assistance.

We go over animal shelter statistics from different categories. Click the type below if you want to quickly access a sure topic:

  • v U.S. animal shelter facts
  • v U.Due south. Euthanasia Statistics
  • iv Pet Overpopulation Statistics

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xiv Animal Shelter Statistics and Facts to Know in 2022

  1. Every bit of 2021, in that location are over 3,500 animal shelters in the U.Southward.
  2. Approximately half-dozen.3 million companion animals enter U.S. shelters each year.
  3. Approximately four.1 million shelter animals are adopted yearly.
  4. About 810,000 stray animals that enter shelters are returned to their owners.
  5.  Roughly 52% of all shelters in the U.S. are kill shelters.
  6. Approximately 390,000 dogs are euthanized yearly in shelters.
  7. Five states account for almost euthanasia deaths of animals in shelters in the U.S.
  8. Just 27 states have full bans on using gas chambers as a method of euthanasia in animal shelters.
  9. Four states still utilise gas chambers in shelters in the U.S. in fauna shelters.
  10. Delaware became the first No-Kill U.S. state in 2019.
  11. Only 10% of animals brought to shelters are spayed/neutered.
  12. Roughly 25% of dogs in shelters are purebred.
  13. vii one thousand thousand animals are killed due to overcrowding in shelters.
  14. In 2020, fewer cats and dogs were adopted from shelters or rescues than years prior.
animal shelter statistics
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U.S. Animal Shelter Facts

1. As of 2022, there are over three,500 animal shelters in the U.S.

(The Humane Society)

Animals end upwardly in shelters for many reasons: abandonment, behavioral issues, non enough fourth dimension for the pet, etc. It'southward hard for responsible pet owners to understand how someone could give up their pet, only it happens often. That's why it'southward important to understand the commitment before bringing any fauna home.

kittens in a cage of a shelter
Image Credit: Okssi, Shutterstock

two. Approximately 6.3 one thousand thousand companion animals enter U.Southward. shelters each year.


Knowing that more than than 6 million companion animals are in shelters is heartbreaking, but there is a little light at the stop of the tunnel. It'southward estimated that in that location's been a decline from vii.2 million cats and dogs entering shelters since 2011.

3. Approximately 4.i million shelter animals are adopted yearly.


More than 4 million adoptions from shelters is a terrific feat, just it could exist even better. Thanks to the many pet advancement groups in the U.S., the Adopt Don't Store campaign has helped thousands of animals in shelters notice loving homes. The entrada pushes for people to rescue animals from shelters rather than buying from pet stores.

dog with owner
Image credit: 8777334, Pixabay

four. Most 810,000 stray animals that enter shelters are returned to their owners.

(Shelters Animal Count)

Luckily, this number shows that some animals simply get out of the yard and wander off. That's nonetheless a staggering number, merely at least shelters give pet owners a identify to check in case their pet has acted like Houdini and vanished. Of this total, 710,000 are dogs, and 100,000 are cats. This highlights the importance of calculation a collar with contact information and making sure your pet is microchipped.

v. Roughly 52% of all shelters in the Usa are kill shelters.

(Best Friends)

While this number is even so high, it's an comeback. Only 24% of shelters were no-kill in 2016, but that percent has now doubled—in 2021, no-kill shelters business relationship for 48% of fauna shelters in the U.S.

dog in shelter
Image Credit: jwvein, Pixabay

U.S. Euthanasia Statistics

vi. Approximately 390,000 dogs are euthanized yearly in shelters.


390,000 euthanized dogs are 390,000 as well many. The reason for euthanasia in shelters is overcrowding, which highlights the importance of the willingness to commit before bringing an fauna home. It also emphasizes the importance of because the adoption of an animal that may be euthanized rather than paying full price from a breeder.

7. 5 states business relationship for most euthanasia deaths in beast shelters in the U.S.

(Best Friends)

Approximately 800,000 cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters each year, with five states accounting for 50% of those deaths.

  • Texas – 125,000
  • California – 110,000
  • Florida – 66,000
  • North Carolina – 62,000
  • Georgia – 43,000

In California, 75% of euthanasia deaths are cats.

animal euthanasia
Epitome Credit: mojahata, Shutterstock

8. Only 27 states have full bans on using gas chambers as a method of euthanasia in animal shelters.

(Humane Society)

An outdated and vicious practice, the use of gas chambers to euthanize animals in shelters notwithstanding goes on today. However, 70 gas chambers in 13 U.S. states have voluntarily airtight their chambers since 2013. The majority of shelters in America today practise humane euthanasia carried out past injection of approved drugs.

9. Four states nevertheless utilise gas chambers in the U.Due south. in animal shelters.


These states are Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri, and Utah. Change.Org is stepping upwards to assistance ban these states from using this barbarian method. If so inclined, y'all too can sign the petition. Every little scrap helps; no animal should be put to decease in this manner.

sad dog in shelter
Epitome Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay

10. Delaware became the first no-kill U.South. state in 2019.


Since animals don't have a voice, this organization stepped in to exist theirs. They care for over 16,000 animals a year, with 96% placed in homes; no animal is ever turned abroad. This state proves that the vast majority of animals can be saved through simple adoption.

Pet Overpopulation Statistics

11. But 10% of animals brought to shelters are spayed or neutered.

(Do Something)

This low pct of animals that are spayed or neutered adds to the overpopulation and overcrowding of shelters. This surgery can as well lower the risk of your pet suffering from various ailments and even some forms of cancer later in life.

neutering dog
Image Credit: Simon Kadula, Shutterstock

12. Roughly 25% of dogs in shelters are purebred.

(Do Something)

Not all dogs in shelters are mixed. Some people adopt to buy from a breeder because they want a sure breed, but breeders are not the only route to finding a purebred animal. Visit your local shelter; they may have the purebred yous're looking for that needs a loving, forever dwelling.

13. 7 million animals are killed in shelters due to overcrowding.

(Do Something)

Overcrowding causing the death of close to iii million animals is a sobering fact. Sadly, when shelters become overcrowded, they have to make room for more than animals brought in. Spaying and neutering your pet is vital in an try to decrease this number.

Shelter cat
Image Credit: Mimzy, Pixabay

14. In 2020, fewer cats and dogs were adopted from shelters or rescues than in years past.


Roughly 36% of dogs and 43% of cats were adopted through creature shelters in 2019-2020, despite the number of pet owners increasing overall in the same time period. Sadly, these percentages have declined — 44% of dogs and 47% of cats were adopted through shelters in 2017-2018.


Frequently Asked Questions About Animal Shelters

i. How long exercise animals have before euthanization?

Depending on the land you live in, near crave a 5-7-day stay before existence put downward. A holding period police force agile in over xxx states requires this time frame then owners who have lost an animal can contact their local shelters to repossess them. Sadly, this isn't e'er the case; the time frame can be as little equally 48 to 72 hours earlier euthanization. (Fauna Legal and Historical Heart)

2. Are some animals victims of domestic violence?

Some animals finish up in shelters because of domestic violence. Animal cruelty and domestic violence go hand in hand. In a 2017 report, 89% of victims of domestic violence had companion animals that were likewise harmed or killed by the victim'southward calumniating partner. People who abuse animals are much more likely to abuse humans, too. (Animal Legal Defense Fund)

scared puppy
Prototype Credit: evgengerasimovich, Shutterstock

3. What can I do to help?

Ane way you can help is to volunteer at your local shelter or rescue. They ever demand help, whether from donations, funding, or but spending time with the animals. Information technology takes a substantial amount of coin to run a shelter or rescue, and your monetary donation can help in many areas. Yous tin besides offering to foster an animal until they find a forever home.

4. How can I start my own rescue or shelter?

It is possible to showtime your own customs outreach programme. The first step will exist to assess your customs to notice what holes demand to be filled and proceed from there. Rescue Central is a great place to commencement. Hither you tin can observe valuable information and resources to assist you run a successful rescue or shelter. (HSUS)

Epitome Credit: ALPA PROD, Shutterstock

five. How can I avoid needing to surrender my pet?

Being a pet owner is a huge responsibility and should not exist entered into lightly. One must have the financial stability and commitment to accept a successful outcome for the animal. Owning pets can be expensive, specially if they accept medical problems, and you must exist prepared for that.

When you adopt an animal, you must be prepared to commit to the animal for the residuum of its life. One of the bug with overcrowding in shelters is that people get animals without any education on how to properly accept care of them. Most behavioral issues are from the possessor non properly training. If you need aid with training, your veterinarian tin guide you lot in the right direction to get help.

Some behavioral issues may also be a medical status. If your pet suddenly starts relieving itself in the house, take them in for an examination by your vet. Information technology could be a very treatable event.

Spay or neuter your pet. Retrieve that only x% of animals in shelters have been spayed or neutered. Depression-cost spay/neuter programs are available—this is one of the most important health decisions yous can brand for your pet. (ASPCA)

6. How do I know if my local shelter is professionally run?

Y'all tin go to your local shelter and evaluate how they run the functioning. A reputable shelter will accept some of the following: a sick or isolation ward for sick animals, a compassionate staff, a veterinarian on-site and on-call 24 hours a 24-hour interval, a humane method of euthanasia (or, fifty-fifty better, none at all), a pre-adoption checklist and follow-up evaluation, and a quiet identify to meet any potential animal yous're thinking of adopting. (PETA)

Dogs in shelter
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock



All animals deserve a shot at a good life. Information technology'south unfair for any animal to end upward in a shelter because the owner gets "tired" of it or simply can't handle or afford the animal. Educate yourself before adopting, and make sure y'all can commit for the duration of the creature's life.

Animals should be cared for as family members. If you move to a new state, the brute should accompany y'all, but like your child. Animals are innocent creatures that rely on us humans to take care of them. They don't understand why they're in a shelter—they just desire beloved. In return, they'll give more than dear than you lot can always imagine.

Nosotros promise this information has given you a ameliorate understanding of animal shelters and what you tin can do to assist. Not everyone can afford to donate money, merely there are so many other ways y'all can assistance. All shelters can apply onetime bedding, blankets, nutrient and water bowls, or merely your time. The animals in these shelters will be most grateful for anything you can requite or do.

Featured Prototype Credit: hedgehog94, Shutterstock


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